Monday 30 November 2015

Post #12 & Sketch 11

This is the room at my uncle's house, in which I stayed over the break. I drew the window because I realized that just that small additional arched opening on top of the main window made a huge difference in the lighting situation in the space. because the ceiling was higher, it was a good idea to insert that extra opening to take care of the extra volume of space that would have otherwise been in cast shadows. The room remained bright during the day and the openings let in streaks of light, in the night, which danced on the ceiling and created a nice lighting effect

Monday 23 November 2015

Sketch 7: Section Details from Class

This is a section detail of a cantilever off of a steel girder. It shows the weld connections, the steel HP and HSS members, and addresses the thermal issue with insulation.

Sketch 6: Sketches from "The Making of Architecture"

These are diagrams and sketches made I during ARCH 330. It shows connection between steel and concrete, timber framing roof over hang and architectural grids: Cartesean and Tartan.